Female Drivers Rothmuller, Tooth Awarded SCCA's Allen Scholarship

Lori Rothmuller and Sarah Tooth were recently named the first recipients of the Sports Car Club of America's (SCCA) Wendi Allen Scholarship.

The Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund provides support to promising young women Solo competitors, offering free entries to Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour events, a set of tires for The Tire Rack Solo National Championships from BFGoodrich Tires, and $1500 in cash to be used for event expenses throughout the year.

The scholarship was conceived and funded by the family of Wendi Allen, an eight-time National Champion who competed with her husband, Mark. Allen was a fixture at the National Championships from 1994 until 2005, when sidelined while pregnant with twin daughters Cassidy and Caitlin (now competing in the Formula Junior class). Allen competed every year at the Solo National Championships through 2012 before concentrating her strength on her current, long-time battle with cancer.

Rothmuller and Tooth were selected by a committee of successful female drivers, chaired by Tara Johns and including Beth McClure-Strelnieks, Denise Cashmore, Shelly Monfort, and Patty Tunnell. Responsible for selecting two scholarship winners each season, the group has claimed 31 National Championships, in total, and is recognized as leaders on and off the course.

The support for these recipients is not limited to financial backing, however, as the program seeks to offer driver training, mentoring and event logistic assistance as well. For the Allen family, it is a way to ensure that the legacy Allen most wishes to leave in the sport is maintained.

Rothmuller, 21, is a University of California, Davis student who heads the Davis Motorsports Club focusing on student participation in amateur motorsports, especially SCCA Solo. Not only a participant, Rothmuller draws other college students to the sport with her efforts. In her only previous visit to The Tire Rack Solo National Championships in 2011, Rothmuller finished fifth in B Street Prepared Ladies.

Tooth migrated from Alberta, Canada to Houston, Texas two years ago to attend Rice University as a grad student, getting involved in the Houston Region events and regularly recruiting new SCCA members to events. A quick study, Tooth finished second in the Street Touring FWD Ladies class in her 2013 debut at the Tire Rack Solo National Championships. The scholarship package will be a sure boost to her early success.

More information on Allen can be found at http://www.solomatters.com/wendi-allen-driven-to-make-a-difference-for-female-racers.

More information on the SCCA Solo Program, including the Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund, can be found at SCCA.com.

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